ex 4
1 going; watching 2 not to make; to pass; 3 walking; taking; being 4 hurry; to take; to eat; arrive 5 to buy; to lend; helping 6 stay; to take; promise
ex 5
<span>2 to take 3 write 4 reading 5 learning 6 to finish 7 looking 8 working 9 looking 10 to stay 11 to try 12 to congratulate </span>
С yes I do
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I clean floors.
I wipe down the dust.
I'm doing the dishes.
I clean the cage of a hamster.
I cook meal and my sister cook dishes.
Today it's rather difficult to imagine the life our grandparents lived. They used to live in own private houses without such modern conviniencies like gas, running water, telephones were rare. People used to bring water in their houses to wash up and wash themselves. They heat the houses with stoves and they used to bring the wood for that. The TV-sets were not an usual thing. So children used to walk in the yards with the peers and the ysed to play different active games. It was fun. Children used to help their parents around the house : swept the floor, cooked the simple dinner, looked after little children and elderly persons.The furniture used to be comfortable but not so beautiful and large as we use today. The life used to be simple and sincere and honest.