Перевод текста :
1) капуста, картофель, помидор, <span>мясо
Мясо лишнее
2)</span>молоко, сыр, масло, <span>хлеб
Хлеб лишний
3)р</span>ыба, чай, кафе, сок, <span>молоко
Рыба лишняя
4)яблоко,</span> торт, банан, апельсин<span>
Торт лишний </span>
<span>It's been a week since the night when Dima was attacked by
the bear. I will always remember that night now when I stayed with Dima
and we talked until morning. I had never felt so close to my brother
before. I was surprised to find out how much he had grown up and
changed during the summer. Dima told me everything he had heard in the
forest. He said that David and Daniel both liked me and that I had been
the reason for their fight. It turned out that Dima had always known
that David had written that letter to me and he had even helped him with
some of the Russian words. However, because I hadn't mentioned it, my
brother had kept his mouth shut too. But he should have told me.
Everything would have been different then. Anyway, it was too late now. I
told Dima it didn't matter to me and he dropped the subject.
was able to get back to his tent before dawn, so that no questions
about his absence were asked. He still had to wear the bandage on his
hand, but he made up a good story about a fight to explain it. The next
day was the last day of our trip. On Sunday evening we returned to
camp and our life got back to almost normal. I say "almost" because the
more I think about it, the more I understand how I was unfair to David.
Now I realize that he has always liked me and tried to show me, but I
refused to believe it. When I think about how badly I hurt him, I want
to kick myself. Even if he had done something wrong, how could I have
called him a coward? After all, what would I have done in a situation
like that? My hero Daniel has been very quiet since we got back. When
somebody tried to write an article about his heroism on the river, he
got really angry. He also stays away from Dima and me, as if we had done
something wrong. And David pretends I don't exist. So by day I try
to play it cool but by night I stay awake and try to think about
what I could have done differently.The most interesting summer of my
life isn't making me happy anymore. I'm looking forward to the autumn,
because in autumn I'll be home. </span>
1)Will Helen see the dentist tomorrow?
Who will have a text next month?
Who will have some cofee?
Who will go to the theatre next year?
who is planting some flowers now?
2) Judy will go to the theatre...
Katherine usually watches TV....
У меня есть сестра. Она милая и добрая. Ее зовут Роза. Ей 5 лет.
У нее есть много игрушек: 4 куклы, кукольный домик, 2 плюшевых медведя, 3 мяча и велосипед. Она любит рисовать и играть со своими игрушками. Роза - умная девочка. Ей нравится задавать множество вопросов. Она задает вопросы маме, папе, мне каждый день. Она спрашивает обо всем утром и вечером. Она задает разные вопросы: Почему? Где? Когда? Кто? Что? Сколько? Большинство ее вопросов очень смешные. Почитайте некоторые из них:
Почему цветы такие красивые?
Слоны ходят в школу?
Где живет Санта Клаус?
Когда у Тины день рождения?
Как зовут плюшевого медведя?
Сколько конфет ты можешь съесть?
Вы можете ответить на вопросы Розы? Я нет.