Is America more famous than Russia?
Is Bears more bigger than tigers?
Are writer Pushkin more famous than Shakespeare?
Is the Red Square more bigger than Trafalgar Square?
Is bus more faster than car?
Is snake more stronger than dog?
1.Что любит делать его дедушка? 2. На что похожа его сестра? 3. Что обычно носит его дядя? 4. Что его бабушка любит делать? 5. Что делает его бабушка? 6. Каковы главные особенности членов семьи Штефана?
I'm very optimistic, although my sister is very pessimistic.
My brother is veryshy and modest, for example, ha can't sing in front of the crowd.
My mother is very confident and sometimes big headed.
и тому подобное
Make the right choice and complete the sentences
1. I can't come to the phone now. I AM HAVING a bath. 2. The Queen LIVES in Buckingham Palac. 3. Australia EXPORTS wheat, wool and dairy products. 4. Look, that man IS SMILING at us. Perhaps he KNOWS us.