1. Forgive if I took up so much of your time.
2. Do you mind if he join us?
3. Does he feel like if he stay here for another week?
4. I appreciate if you encourage him when he failed in his first experiment.
5. They were talking about if she gave up the job and went to live in the country.
1лист:1)goes 2)do3)не знаю 4)is 5)has
2лист:1)just 2)read) 3)had 4)is 5)break
To buy- bought -bought
to choose-chose -chosen
to pay-paid-paid
to do-did- done
to hear- heard- heard
to know- knew- known
to misunderstand- misunderstood - misunderstood
to spend- spent- spent
to tell- told-told
to see-saw-seen
to rise- rose- risen
to mean-meant-meant
to shake-shook-shaken
to send-sent-sent
to become- became-become
to fell-fall- fallen