You must wear a swimming cap.
You must wear goggles.
You must take a shower before you enter the pool.
You mustn't dive off the diving board if the lifeguard is not there.
You can't bring food or drink into the pool area.
You can't throw objects into the pool.
You can bring your own towel.
Там все ай....переводите и делайте у вас получится
Can young children watch the same films as grown- ups? Who can watch the same films as grown- ups?
Are cartoons films for young children? What are films for young children?
Do they make the best films in Hollywood? Who makes the best films in Hollywood?Has Russia produced a lot of wonderful films? What country has produced a lot of wonderful films?
Do different people prefer different types of films? Who prefers different types of films?
Computer- ЭВМ(электронно-вычислительная машина),
diskette- гибкий магнитный диск,
metal- ?,
processor- центральное устройство компьютера,
scanner- считывающее устройство в информационно-вычислительной системе,
information- сведения, осведомляющие о состоянии чего-нибудь,
data- данные,
microphone- прибор, преобразующий звуковые колебания в
электрические для усиления звучания,
printer- печатающее устройство,
modem- устройство, использующее модуляцию сигналов для передачи цифровых данных через аналоговые сети,
Internet- всемирная система объединенных компьютерных сетей для хранения и передачи информации.
Одним русским словом эти слова не выразишь, поэтому мы и используем иностранные.
3) is made
4) were damaged
5) was given
6) are shown
7) were invited
8) was made
9) was stolen, was found
2. Sally was born in Birmingham.
3. Her parents were born in Ireland.
4. I was born in Russia.
5. My mother was born in Russia.