1 farm - ферма
2 market - рынок
3 tractor - трактор
4 orchard - сад
5 donkey - ослик
6 yard - двор
7 ditch - канал, канава
8 harvest - урожай
9 stream - речка, ручей
10 mill - мельница
11 lamb - ягненок
12 berries - ягоды
13 sheep - овца
14 plants - растения
15 soil - почва
16 log - бревно
17 grass - трава
18 signpost - дорожный указатель, дорожный столб
19 tool -инструмент
20 leaves - листья
21 straw - солома
22 waggon - тележка, фургон
23 nest - гнездо
24 tree - дерево
25 earth - земля
26 hen - курица
27 nuts - орехи
28 stones - камни
29 shed - навес, сарай
30 hedges - живая изгородь
<span>1. John won the match yesterday.
2. I saw a good film on tv last week.
3. I could play the piano when I was eight.
4. Sarah had lunch at 12 yesterday.
5. My brother read Chekhov’s prose last year.
6. My family and I went to grandparents.</span>
1 They have to put the lights up
2 They have to close the winow
3 They have to
4 They have to clean the windows
5 They have to
6 They have to
7 They have to
8 They have to
Is Ukraine famous for its beautiful nature? Общий
Is Ukraine or Poland famous for its beautiful nature? Альтернативный
What country is famous for its beautiful nature? Вопрос к подлежащему
Ukraine is famous for its beautiful nature, isn’t it? Разделительный
What is Ukraine famous for? Специальный
1. f
2. a
3. c
4. h
5. b
6. d
7. e