1. How many lessons do they have on Monday?
2. What do they bought last week?
3. What did you can sing very well?
4. When children will study Art?
5. What did you learned by heart?
6. Where pupils usually leave school at the age of 16
1/ Mary has
2. we have
3. Mr.Green will have
4. I had
5. we have
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Почти семь
веков назад в Центральной Азии жил великий король Тамерлан. Он был очень сильным
soldier<span> (полководцем)
и хотел однажды стать правителем
империи, которая простиралась от Атлантического океана на Западе до
Тихого океана на Востоке.</span>
To become a Veterinarian, you must have love for animals, good understanding about their behavior, many years of college, and be prepared to face many difficult obstacles along the way. Veterinarians are animal doctors, who make sick pets well, and teach pet owners how to keep their pets healthy. Veterinarians do their best to help animals, and keep them healthy. I want to do something worth worthwhile during my life. Since I have always loved animals, a career in the animal sciences as a veterinarian seems to be the perfect choice. Some people ask why I would rather deal with animals than with people. People are easy to help. Animals can’t tell you where it hurts, and there is the challenge.