Choose the statement (A,B,C) which you think is correct and mark it respectively. 1. Morphology deals with the study of A. Word-
Choose the statement (A,B,C) which you think is correct and mark it respectively. 1. Morphology deals with the study of A. Word-building B. Form-building C. Semantics
2. Syntax deals with the study of A. The lexical meaning of words B. Form-building C. The regularities determining the combination of words and sentences
3. The definition of the grammatical category in which form and meaning are considered equally important is as follows: A. The grammatical category is the grammatical meaning which finds its expression through a grammatical form B. The grammatical category is a unity of a grammatical form and grammatical meaning C. The grammatical category is a set of two mutually exclusive form-classes
4. Study the oppositions of forms (in the left column) and match them with the grammatical categories which they express (in the right column). Write the corresponding letters and figures in your answer. a) write - am writing b) spoke - had spoken c) sends - is sent d) (I) read - (he) reads e) (lie) reads - (they) read 1) person 2) voice 3) number 4) aspect 5) order
5. Study the oppositions of forms (in the left column) and match them with the grammatical categories they express (in me right column) .Write the corresponding letters and figures in your answer. a) write-wrote b) man - men 1) degrees of comparison 2) case c) man-mans d) dark-darker e) I do-I would do 3) tense 4) mood 5) number
6,Choose the statement (А,В,C) which you think is correct and mark it respectively: The largest number of grammatical categories that a predicate verb-form can express in a sentence is A. One B. Two C. Seven
7. The synthetic form-building means in English are A. Suffixation and suppletion B. Sound interchange C. Suffixation, sound interchange and suppletion 8. The productive synthetic form-building means in English is A. Sound-interchange B. Suffixation C. Suppletion 9. Group the following words - mice, better, reading, narrower, teeth, went, took, are, books- in three columns depending on the form-building means used in them: a) suffixation b) sound interchange c) suppletion
10. Study the inflexional suffixes in the following words - oxen, spoken, taller, mine, children, wanted, tables, writing - and group them in two columns: a.) productive suffixes b) non-productive suffixes.
11. Study the meaning of the «s» - morpheme in the following words - takes, clothes, fists, boy's, books, spectacles, news, corps,- and group them in two columns: a) a derivation element b) a form-building suffix c) part of the root
26. Group the following verbs - swim, marry, go, live, envy, teach- in two columns: a) transitive b) intransitive 27. Choose the grammatical meanings (А, В, C, D, E, F, G) typical of the Active Voice forms of the verb and mark them respectively: A. Transitive B. Active C. Middle D. Intransitive E. Reflexive F. Reciprocal G. Passive
28. Choose the grammatical categories (А,В,C,D,E,F,G) which are not expressed by the non-finite forms of the verb and mark them respectively: A. Person B. Number C. Voice D. Tense E. Mood F. Order G. Aspect.
29. Study the following words (А,В,C,D,E,F,G,H), choose predeterminers and mark them respectively: a) my b) all c) many d) these e) both f) enough g) half h) the
30. Choose the meanings (functions) (А,В,C,D,E,F) typical of the definite article and mark them respectively: A. Nominating B. Individualizing C. Classifying D. Aspective E. Generic F. Restricting
31. Choose the statement (А,В,C,) which you think is correct and mark it respectively: The main component of a word-combination (phrase) is called: A. Adjunct B. Determiner C. Head - word
32. Study the underlined word-combinations (in the left column) and match them with the type of grammatical relations within them (in the right column). Write the corresponding letters and figures in your answer. A. Susan is teaching English. B. Tom and Susan are my friends. C. His friends are Tom, Susan, Mary. D. She is making a dress for herself. E. Tom married Susan. F. Queen Mary 1. Government 2. Predication 3. Apposition 4. Syndetic coordination 5. Asyndetic coordination 6. Agreement
Choose the statement (A,B,C) which you think is correct and mark it respectively: 33. The subject of the English sentence can be A. Only formal В. Notional and formal C. Only notional
34. The main types of predicate in English are as follows: A. Simple verbal, compound verbal aspective B. Simple verbal, compound nominal, compound verbal modal, compound verbal aspective, simple phraseological C. Compound verbal nominal, simple phraseological
Выбрать утверждение (А,B,C), который вы считаете правильным, и отметить его соответственно.1. Морфология занимается изучениемА. словообразование формообразование Б. С. семантика 2. Синтаксис занимается изучениемА. лексическое значение слова в. формообразованиеС. закономерности определения сочетания слов и предложений 3. Определение грамматической категории, в которых форма и содержание считаются не менее важным является следующим образом:А. грамматическая Категория-это грамматическое значение, которое находит свое выражение через грамматическая формаБ. грамматическая Категория представляет собой единство грамматическая форма и грамматическое значениеС. грамматическая Категория представляет собой набор из двух взаимоисключающих форма-классы 4. Исследование оппозиций форм (в левой колонке) и сопоставить их с грамматическими категориями, которые они выражают (в правой колонке). Напишите соответствующие буквы и цифры в вашем ответе.а) пишу - пишу б) говорили - говорили с) отправляет сообщения д) (я) читать - (он) читает е) (ложь) читает - (они) читать1) человек 2) голос 3) Количество 4) Формат 5) порядок 5. Исследование оппозиций форм (в левой колонке) и сопоставить их с грамматическими категориями, которые они выражают (во мне правая колонка) .Напишите соответствующие буквы и цифры в вашем ответе.а) написать-написала б) мужчины - мужчины1) степени сравнения 2) случаес) человек-манс г) темно-темнее э) я делаю-я бы сделал 3) напряженно 4) настроение 5) Количество 6 выберите утверждение (А,В,С), который вы считаете правильным, и отметить его соответственно:Наибольшее количество грамматических категорий глагола-форма сказуемого может выражать в предложенииА. Один В. Два С. Семь 7. Синтетическая форма-дом означает на английском языкеА. Суффиксация и suppletion Б. звук пересадочный С. Суффиксация, звуковой развязки и suppletion8. Производительный синтетический формообразующие средства на английском языкеА. звук-пересадочного Б. С. Суффиксация Suppletion9. Группы следующие слова - мышей, лучше, значение, поуже, зубы, отправился, принимал, несколько, книг - в три колонки в зависимости от формообразующего средства, используемые в них:а) суффиксация б) звуковые развязки с) suppletion 10. Изучение флективных суффиксов в следующих словах - волов, говорят, выше, моих, детей, хотел, таблиц, написание и сгруппируйте их в две колонки:а.) продуктивные суффиксы б) непродуктивные суффиксы. 11. Изучить смысл «с» - морфемы в следующих словах - берет, одежда, кулаки, мальчик, книги, очки, новости, пехоты,- и сгруппируйте их в две колонки:a) элемент деривации б) формообразующие суффиксы с) частью корня 26. Группы следующие глаголы - плавать, жениться, выходить, живите, зависть, учат в две колонки:а) переходные б) непереходный27. Выберите грамматические значения (А, В, С, D, Е, F, г) типичный активных голосовых форм глагола и обозначить их соответственно:А. Б. С. Д. Е. Непереходные Переходные Активный Средний Рефлексивного Ф. Г. Взаимные Пассивный 28. Выбрать грамматических категорий (А,В,С,D,Е,F,G), который выражается не в безличных форм глагола и обозначить их соответственно:Лицо А. Число Б. С. Д. Голос Напряженное Настроение Е. Ф. Г. Аспект. 29. Изучите следующие слова (А,В,С,D,Е,F,г,H), выбрать predeterminers и пометить их соответственно:а) мой б) все в) много г) эти e) и F) достаточно г) половину з) 30. Выбрать значение (функции) (А,В,С,D,Е,F) типичные определенного артикля и пометить их соответственно:А. Выдвижении Б. С. Индивидуализирующие Признаки Классификации Д. Aspective Е. Родовой Ф. Ограничения 31. Выбрать утверждение (А,В,С,), который вы считаете правильным, и отметить его соответственно:Главный компонент словосочетания (фразы) называется:А. при Б. С. Определитель голову - слово 32. Исследование подчеркнутые словосочетания (в левой колонке) и сопоставить их с типом грамматических отношений внутри них (в правой колонке). Напишите соответствующие буквы и цифры в вашем ответе.А. Сьюзан преподавания английского языка. Б. Тома и Сьюзен-мои друзья. С. его друзья Тома, Сьюзен, Мэри. Д. она делает платье для себя. Е. Тома женился на Сьюзен. Ф. Королева Мария1. Правительство 2. Предикация 3. Аппозиция 4. Syndetic координации 5. Бессоюзные координации 6. Соглашение Выбрать утверждение (А,B,C), который вы считаете правильным, и отметить его соответственно:33. Предметом английском предложении может бытьА. только В официальных. Смысловой и формальной C. только условно 34. Основные типы сказуемого в английском языке следующим образом:А. простая словесная, составное глагольное aspectiveБ. простая словесная, компаунд Номинальная, модальное составное глагольное, составное глагольное aspective, простые фразеологические С. составное глагольное номинальные, простые фразеологические
1. Where's... John's raincoat? 2. ..The. Pacific is the largest ocean on our planet. 3. Have
you ever been to .the.. Bolshoi Theatre? 4. Does ... Mark speak ...
Spanish? 5. Show me .<span>the.. Canary Islands on this map, please. 6. How much
does it cost to stay at .</span><span>the.. Grand Hotel? 7. .The.. Volga flows into .</span><span>the..
Caspian Sea. 8. Although the north of … Scotland is called …</span><span>the Highlands
the mountains aren't high there. - ... Ben Nevis (1343 m) is the highest
peak. 9. I've made up my mind to go to .</span><span>the.. Black Sea next summer. 10.
Two of my classmates entered </span><span>.. Moscow State University last year. 11.
... Lake Baikal is the deepest one in the world. 12. On Wednesday .</span><span><span>The</span>..
Moscow Times published an article about Marcus Webb. 13. ..The..Urals are
old and not very high. 14. Every morning during breakfast bagpipes are
played outside the Queen's dining-room in ... Buckingham Palace. 15. We
were invited by ..the. Fergusons. </span>
1. - What do you want to go this summer? - We want to go Paris. 2. - What about windsurfing? - Great! We do this! 3. - Where do you want play volleyball with us? - We can play on he beach. 4. - Can we play in water rising? - It's interesting! Let's do it! 5. - Can we go into the club this evening? - Fine! I'll coming.
Perhaps, only at home we can truly unwind and relax, including from the conventions of social life. But, you see, the order in his "fortress". It provides the basic rules of family etiquette. It "grow legs" understanding the rules of etiquette in society.
Comfortable home life make the words "thank you", "please", "sorry", "good morning", "good appetite", "good night," and the habit of respectful listening to all family members, not interrupting in mid-sentence. Also it is considered good practice to inform all family members where you're going and how much intend to return.
For all households are required cleanliness and neatness of clothing. First of all, the example should show the parents, because their appearance is one way of upholding its authority in children.
The rules in the family Among family members are often affectionate Pets nickname: "Kitten", "Sun", "Bunny" and so on. They are quite acceptable if not mentioned in the presence of strangers. Also, in conversation with third persons, not called their wife or husband spouse, this position is assigned only at official events. It would be more appropriate to call their other half by name.
Appeal to the older generation of the family also requires sensitivity. Completely unacceptable, referring to his mother-in-law, calling her "grandma". If the family has not made contact to his parents, wife or husband "mom" and "dad", rules of etiquette allow pinging by name and patronymic and on "you". While grandchildren may well be called grandmother or grandfather.
Rules of family etiquette husband always apply coats wife, both at home and in public. In addition, it is worth passing the door, miss wife first and offer her a hand at the exit of public transport. The first dance on the evening of the same remains for your spouse.
In turn, the wife should not be in the absence of her husband to invite guests and accept invitations from people whom he disliked. Also improper to restore order in his personal things, you should check your pockets and wallet. Shouldn unflattering things about her husband in the presence of children. Mutual respect all members of the family is born not on an empty place.
Parents ought not be read without the consent of their children's personal letters or diaries. Entering someone else's room, you should knock.
The rules in the family is Not worth it to strangers unnecessarily berating children, lecturing to a close. Do not wash your dirty linen in public. But even if the showdown cannot be avoided, one should not raise his voice and use profanity. Moreover, should not quarrel in front of children. Also try to protect children's ears from gossip and perelivania bones that have just gone missing guests or relatives.
Tactless to complain about the husband or wife outside the family circle, to bring personal life and also give unsolicited advice to resolving family conflicts friends. It is enough just to Express sympathy, if your friend shares the problems of an intimate nature.
Older relatives ought not to stand neither on one side of the conflict between husband and wife. The best way is neutrality.
Also in the family should be unified rules of parenting: the same requirements, the system of rewards and punishments. Even if the older generation does not agree with parenting grandchildren, you should not argue in front of the kids.
Tact, ability to find common language and mutual courtesy is the basis for good communication <span>in the family. </span>
Buckingham Palace, the best (0) known royal palace
in the world, is Buckingham Palace, the best (0) known royal palace in
the world, is (1) situated_ in Central
<span> London. The palace takes (2)_its__ name from the
house(3) which___ was built in 1703. Sixty years later it was bought by
King George III for his wife, Queen Charlotte and became known (4) as___ the
queen's house. John Nash, the royal architect, (5) made ___ it into a palace
in the 1820s. Victoria was the (6) first ____ queen to live there (from 1837).
In the palace there(7) is ___ the Queen's Gallery which exhibits (8) items ___
from the royal art collection, (9) including ____ drawings by Leonardo da Vinci.
The first floor balcony is the scene of formal appearances by the Royal
Family on important(10) events. ___ Below it in the forecourt, the colourful
ceremony of Changing the Guard takes (11) place ____(generally every
morning from April to early August). (12)_ When __ Her Majesty the Queen is in
residence, you can see the Union Jack above the palace. Traditionally
closed to the(13) public , the State Rooms of the palace were (14) open to
tourists during the summer months in the mid-1990s. The State Rooms of
the palace are used for (15 meeting ___) heads of state and for holding
ceremonies where Her Majesty and other (16) members ____ of the Royal Family
give official titles, honours and (17) awards. </span>