<span>From Monday to Friday I think about weekends OR how I will spend Saturday and Sunday. I don’t have many friends, that’s why I have to come up with the entertaining ideas for me on my own. I’m not a couch potato and hate spending my time only beside the TV-set. I’m likely to go somewhere on foot just to have a walk if I have no other plans. Active life captivates me most of all. Поможет надеюсь</span>
Бенгальский тигр это национальное животное Индии. Он рыжий или оранжевый с черными, серыми или коричневыми полосками. Он прячется в высокой траве и охотится на больших животных, таких, как олени. Это действительно красивое животное.
Индийская кобра это черная, коричневая, белая или желтая змея. Это очень опасная змея.
Индийские слоны очень большие и высокие (2-3 метра), но у них маленькие уши. Обычно большая самка является главой семейства слонов. Индийцы используют слонов для переноса тяжелых вещей с помощью хобота.
Индийский носорог забавное животное! У него всего один рог. (Африканские носороги имеют два). Он обычно живет один и любит сидеть в воде или в грязи. На сегодня существует только около 2500 Индийских носорогов.
1Kelly GETS up at 7 p.m.
2My friends are not staying with me at the moment.
3They are getting to the railway station.
4Yes, he does.
No, she doesn't.
5We go to the university every day except Sunday.
My sister doesn't work here.
Who took my telephone?
I am get up at a quarter past eight .
I am make a bed at 20 minuts past ten.
I have a lunch at quarter to three.
<span><span>I want to visit the magical city of Belfast, which is Northern Ireland, which became his heart .The city is beautiful ,heard good reviews.
</span><span>I Domagalski to visit the area because it is surrounded by impressive monuments of the Victorian era .On the square is the town hall-a real example of mixed architectural styles.</span><span>I especially want to visit the Linen Hall library in which are the treasures of Irish literature</span><span>Also in Belfast is the perfect Alstercity Museum ,which is located next to Queens unversiteta</span><span>I also want to visit the zoo ,city Park cave hill ,which is located in the suburbs .Want to see one of the most popular attractions is the 10-meter figure of the "big fish".</span><span>Can so much good to tell about the history ,culture ,cuisine and traditions of the city but it is not possible to convey emotion ,a wonderful feeling that filled this city ,you need to go there and feel with every cell of your body is a beautiful city, to feel its breath .I wish to visit beautiful Belfast .</span></span>