<span><span> Известный английский врач однажды преподавал студентам в больнице Святого Павла. Тут привезли мужчину с пораненной ногой. Врач повернулся к студенту и спросил его :"Какая у этого мужчины проблема?"</span>
<span> "Не знаю, сэр" - ответил студент. "Можно я осмотрю его и узнаю?".
"Нет необходимости его осматривать," -сказал врач.
" Вам следует знать и без расспрашивания. Этот человек повредил свое левое колено. Вы не обратили внимания, как он шел? Он обжег колено в камине. Видите, его штанина обожжена на коленке. Сегодня утро четверга. Вчера все было хорошо, это произошло во вторник вечером.”</span>
<span> Врач затем повернулся к мужчине и сказал: “У вас была зарплата во вторник и вы пошли в бар и выпили слишком много. Вы промокли и испачкались по пути домой, потому что выпили слишком много, вы упали в камин и обожгли колено. Не так ли?
"Да, сэр", - сказал мужчина.</span><span>
<span>The text is about - <span>b) the way a famous doctor teachers his
<span>Which of the sentences is true? - <span>b The man had gone to the pub and drank too
<span> Which of the sentences isn’t true? - d The man fell did not try to dry his clothes by the fire.
</span><span>What did the injured man do on Thursday? - <span>a His knee hurt and he went to a large
<span>Complete the sentences according to the text. The doctor said there was no need to examine - <span>b the patient.
</span></span>The man hurt his knee - <span>d trying to dry his clothes by the fire</span>
<span>I want to talk about beauty, Rapunzel. There is such a cartoon, " Rapunzel, complicated story". I love this movie and would like to tell about the main character. Rapunzel, this Princess. She was dressed in a pink dress and her Golden they are so long that they would be enough to wrap them around the Earth. She was imprisoned in the tower of evil woman who told her that she was her mother. Each year, her real parents, the king and Queen were launched in the sky a thousand fireballs. But in the end they found Rapunzel and they lived happily ever after...</span>
1)On the fathers day I usually give the postcard with good wishes)
2) Yes of course especially it's from me)
3) Yes I do, I like to give presents to my friends or relatives
4)yes of course , everyone likes to receive gifts
5) my favorite present was teddy bear)
1) spell, 2)open, teacher,3) today, tree, two
Даны слова: how, am, are, who, is, what, your, it's, isn't, my, very. Дан текст: Boy: Hello! Where ..... you from? Man: I ....
Полтевская Наталья
Boy: Hello! Where are you from?
Man: I am from California in the USA.
Boy: What's your first language?
Man: My first language is Miwok. It's a Native American language.
Boy: Is it very common?
Man: No. it isn't. Only three people speak Miwok now.
Boy: Really? Who are they?
Man: Me, my father and me grandfather.
Boy: Your grandfather?! How old is he?
Man: Oh, he's very old now!
Boy: What's 'goodbye' in Miwok?
Man: ' Eyya manay kanni'.
Boy: OK. Eyya manay kanni!
Man: Goodbye!