Rolling ring of Russian cities, charming lace unwinding of the Great Powers, the events that shook the wooden area of the ancient cities of north-eastern Russia. The mythical Golden Ring is usually taken to include eight epicenters of Russian culture: Sergiev Posad, Pereslavl, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Vladimir and Suzdal. Of course, it is not forbidden visit no less exciting treasures of Russian monuments. We are talking about cities such as Aleksandrovo, hierarchy, Gorokhovets, Gus-Crystal, Kalyazin, Kideksha, Moscow, Moore, Palekh, Ples, Rybinsk, Tutaev, Uglich, Yuriev-Polsky, Shuya.
In Sergiev Posad located in the Moscow region, attracted by the rich silhouette of the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, convenient neighborhood nap Alexandrov, who took geographically in the Vladimir region, which is famous for the Alexander Sloboda. It oprichnina capital of Russia under Ivan the Terrible, so unforgettable trips on a wooden platform fortresses provided.
В Паст симпл для образования вопроса ставим на первое песто W-вопрос, на второе место вспомогательный глагол did, на третье место то о чем говорим (имя, название существа, местоимение), на четвертое место смысловой глагол, а дальше второстепенные члены предложения
Я думаю бег хороший спорт. мы можем бегать весь год. мы можем бегать везде: на дорожки, в парке, на площадке, стадионе. можем отправиться бегать и утром и вечером. бег делает нас сильными и здоровыми. бег хорошее упражнения для всех. он популярен среди людей разного возраста. я начал бегать два года назад. Я тренируюсь с моим папой каждое утро. Это весело
new school really plays an important role in our life. You may like it or you may not but we spend so much time at school that it becomes our second home. And no doubt this is true. What is the role of school in modern age? First of all it is making students literate. All students study for eleven years to get knowledge. And the most important role of school is giving knowledge. There are students who like studying because they are doing well in most subjects and they are going to continue their education after school, get higher education. But for those who are not successful in schooling and who are always pressed by their parents and teachers school becomes boring and not interesting.
The education given at our school is of a very high standard. I'm a good student actually and I don't have many problems with schooling. I generally get on quite well with the teachers. I am quite successful in class and I usually go to school with pleasure, because I like my school and my teachers.
I think school gives me not only knowledge. Children are taught real life there. School helps us understand our life better. School is a place where we create and develop our relationships, are taught to be tolerant and respect one another. And school teaches us principles and how not to lose face in difficult situations.