- hello
-o, hi
-nice to see you again, whare have you been?
- i spend my holidays at Niagara falls
- really? that sounds so great. have you founf any interestings there/
-of course, i visited a lot of beutiful place and meet georgeous people
- what impressed you the most?
- really like the weather and nature. the air is so clean and fresh.
-i believe that one day i will travel too.
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Amanda and Monica were doing<span> the shopping when they met their old friend Susan. The girls agreed that they had not seen each other for a long time and decided to go to some cafe for a talk. They ordered coffee and ice-cream and started to tell their news. Susan </span>had graduated from university and now she worked for a big and well-know corporation. Amanda had<span> got married a few years before and now she had a baby. Monica was still study</span>ing. In her childhood she decided to become a doctor and now she was preparing for her last exam. Monica had already passed three exams successfully and was<span> happy about it. The girls exchanged their phone numbers and promised to be in touch with each other. They had a wonderful time that day.
<span>1. День
Победы – Лондон 2012 ✰ Victory Day London 2012</span>
31 августа 2012 года стала особым и памятным днём для британских ветеранов
Второй мировой войны, участников легендарных Северных конвоев (1941-1945).
<span>2.</span><span>Волынка bagpipes</span><span /><span> </span><span> </span><span>3.Oxford Street </span><span /><span> </span><span> </span><span /><span>4.вход бесплатный
free</span><span /><span> </span><span /><span>5.Вильгельм I Wilhelm I</span><span /><span> </span><span> </span><span /><span>6.В 1973 году он поступил в Гарвардский
университет Harvard University</span><span /><span> </span><span /><span>7.ЭЛВИС ПРЕСЛИ Elvis
Presley</span><span /><span> </span><span> </span><span /><span>8.Букингемский дворец Buckingham Palace</span><span /><span> </span><span> </span><span /><span>9.Сэмюэл Джонсон Samuel
Johnson</span><span /><span> </span><span> </span><span /><span>10.район Лос-Анджелеса, Калифорния,
расположенный к северо-западу от центра города.
Los Angeles, CA</span><span /><span> </span><span> </span><span /><span>11.огромное колесо обозрения,
расположенное в центре Лондона. </span><span>12.Ferris
wheel</span><span /><span> </span><span /><span>Название «Юнион Джек» Union Flag или Union Jack</span><span /><span> </span><span> </span><span /><span>13.Была впервые выпущена в 1959
году в США в штате Висконсин Barbie was
first released in 1959 in the U.S. state of Wisconsin</span><span /><span> </span><span> </span><span /><span>14.Елизавета II Queen Elizabeth II</span><span /><span> </span><span> </span><span /><span>15.раз в 4 года once every 4 years</span>
<em>1. Will tell</em>
<em>2. Were</em>
<em>3. Don't water</em>
<em>4. Is</em>
<em>5</em><em>. Knew</em>