Напишите по-английски обозначение времени 7.00, 7.05, 7.10, 7.15, 7.20, 7.25, 7.30, 7.35, 7.40, 7.45, 7.55, 8.00
Shalfey divinorum
It's seven o'clock
it's five past seven
it's ten past seven
it's a quarter past seven
it's twenty past seven
it's twenty five past seven
it's half past seven
it's twenty five to eight
it's twenty to eight
it's a quarter to eight
it's five to eight
it's eight o'clock
Каждый в Соединенном Королевстве говорит на английском но они все говорят по разному. Шотландцы должны слушать внимательно если хотят понять лондонца или валийца.Как ты знаешь флаг Введенного Королевства известен как Союз Джек. Он состоит из 3-х крестов :крест святого Георгия (покровитель Англии) крест святого Андрея(покровитель Шотландии) и крест Святого Патрика( покровитель Ирландии)
It is shown much cruetly and violence by Television .
Such programmers were watched by people at prime time.
Bad-taste programmers have been criticized by my friends.
Interesting cartoons are being watched by young children.
All children are catered by the school.
The Plans will be discussed by managers tomorrow.
The news of coming storm has been spread in time.
Are there only about 1000 wild giant pandas left in the world? Who can only be found in the mountain bamboo forests? Why don’t giant pandas live in groups? Are baby giant pandas very small or very big? Giant pandas must eat a lot of bamboo,doesn’t it?
1. Какое твоё имя и фамилия?
2. Ты в 6 классе?
3. Откуда ты?
4. Сколько тебе лет?
5. В каком ты классе?
6. Ты из большого города?
7. Где твой город?