1-C, 2-L, 3-O, 4-T, 5-H, 6-E, 7-S, 8-M, 9-A, 10-K, 11-E,
12-T, 13-H, 14-E, 15-M, 16-A, 17-N
<span>Получилось: Clothes make the man.</span>
перевод: Одежда делает человека.
<span>Значение: В
русском языке есть эквивалент данной пословицы «Встречают по одежке, провожают
по уму.»</span>
1 a:did you have ,
b:didn't eat , drank
2 a:did Terry get,
3 a:did you go ,
4 a: did you read , gave
5 a: did Tina do
b: she made
Названия стран употребляются без артикля, за исключением:
the Netherlands(т.к. множественное число)
the UK
the Ukraine
the Senegal
the Vatican
также со странами в название которых входят слова:
Congo и Sudan можно и с артиклем The и без.
1. We arrived three days ago.
2. The concert was good last year.
3. Diana rang me yesterday evening.
4. Two weeks ago, I visited Zoe.
5. Last night, it rained.
6. Yesterday, we had a party.
1. Emma saw dinosaurs at the museum. She didn't see fish.
2. They ate outside. They didn't eat inside.
3. Sidney and I went to school. We didn't go to the swimming pool.
4. The girls bought cheese. They didn't buy fruit.
5. I heard a cat. I didn't hear a dog.
6. Sed made lunch today. He didn't make breakfast.
1. Did Emma see dinosaurs? Yes, she did.
2. Where did they eat? They ate outside.
3. Did Sidney and I go to the swimming pool? No, we didn't.
4. Did the girls buy fruit? No, they didn't.
5. What did you hear? I heard a cat.
6. What did Seb make? He made lunch.