Dear [username],
You are invited to my birthday party
on Friday 19 Oct at 18:45
My address is 12, Bakers Str.
Bring pensils and paper! We are will painting!
You can drink there cola or juise, eat cake and tricks and watch fireworks!
Walter Scott is considered the Creator of historical
2. Reported that the expedition reached its destination. 3. Hardly it
will appoint a chief engineer, because he had finished the Institute
only two years ago. 4. He apparently knows the English language;
perhaps, he learned it in childhood. 5. I happen to know his phone
number. 6. He was a good athlete. 7. The noise seemed to be coming. 8. I
happened to be passing the station when arrived in St. Petersburg
artists of the Shakespeare memorial theatre
(ShakespeareMemorialTheatre). 9. He seems to be writing a new article;
he seems to be working on it for two weeks. 10. His article will
undoubtedly be printed. 11. I accidentally met him in Moscow. 12. Be
sure to read this book; you will surely enjoy it.
Мовляв улюблена телепередача - Шеф діти. У цій передачі діти вчаться готувати. Я дуже тупий хомосапенз. Люди в цій програмі шпили-вилькаются. Я люблю дивитися по ночах. Моя вчителька стілець дерев'яна. Ця програма дуже пізнавальна, як гівно в унітаз. Спасибі продюсери за цю передачу.
1. aren't watching
2. is drawing
3. Is John drinking coffee?
4. are reading
5. am swimming
6. are speaking
7. are listening
8. is walking
9. am not writing
10. Is your mother cooking dinner?