1. Am writing 2.Am not drinking 3. go 4. don't go 5. isn't reading
6.is playing 7.Is he playing now? 8. works 9. doesn't work
10. do you work at an office? 11. lives 12.doesn't live 13. aren't sleeping 14. play 15. don't go 1 6. reads 17.doesn't read 18. isn't reading
19. does your father work...? 20. are you playing...? 21.are moving ;
is appearing: is getting 22. improves 23. is playing
Атака, которая изменила его жизнь.
Пол Темплер всегда был авантюристом и энтузиастом дикой природы. Он годами путешествовал по миру. Он открыл собственный бизнес и работал гидом проводившим речные экскурсии на каное в Зимбабве. Во время одного обычного тура, его жизнь кардинально изменилась. Он сопровождал туристов по реке Замбези. Внезапно бегемот атаковал одно из каное и гид этой лодки упал в воду. Пол бросился помогать гиду,но бегемот побежал за ним. Бегемот толкнул его под воду, но Пол решил так легко не сдаваться и выплыл на поверхность. Но бегемот не собирался так легко сдаваться. Животное атаковало Пола еще несколько раз, кусая его руки и ноги, ломая ребра своими огромными зубами. И бегемот ушел, оставил его умирать. Раны Пола были настолько массивные, что операция по спасению его жизни длилась 7 часов. Его левая рука была ампутирована. Доктор сказал,что он чудом выжил. После операции он в течении двух лет проходил реабилитацию и терапию. Он нашел в себе силы,чтобы двигаться дальше и жить полной жизнью. Он вернулся на реку Замбези и провел трехмесячную экспедицию,которая сделал его знаменитым.
1. The UK is situated on the two British Isles. The British Isles are separated from the continent by the English Channel. The UK consists of four parts- England, Wales,Scotland and Northen Ireland. The capital of England- London. The cast coast of the GB is washed by the Northen sea, the West coast by the Atlantic ocean.
2.The UK of GB is a monarchy.
3. Big Ben, Buckingham places, Harrods, Tower Bridge, Hyde Park, Westminster Abbery.
Funny cartoon world Gambolò. This cartoon of a blue cat, he did not have a normal family, my mother worked all day, and my father all day sleeping, resting and watching the telly, but still it is very stupid, which is why until now he has no job. Sister Gambolò Anais is smarter than he is a hundred times, and although she is 4 years. Brother Darwin Gambolò be honest it is their home but their fish as a son. This cartoon made that would have been funny people and I always feel funny. This is only a cartoon Mom Nicole Mom Nicole Gambolò name and Anais smart. Gambolò and Darwin chto-to always done, remember one series now and tell, once their friend has not returned them to disk, they are very angry, well, that's Gambolò says, if he did not give our drive if we select it for something important that she gave the disc! Darwin said, always command the you can be the case, I'll take me? Gambolò said okay. And Darwin comes home with mom friend Gambolò very surprised view says that you did When I spoke to steal something doragoe I did not mean my mother? And they began to carry my mother back, closed her eyes that she did not see who it stole her legs cancers that would not have escaped his mouth and that would not have cried .Prishli they suddenly their friend and says hello to the guys, I'm sorry that you did not give drive time, my mother hid him only she knows where he is. Gambolò and Darwin with a frightened look they say you can keep. Heh was a funny series. Gambolò learns in school Elmore. One girl Penny, too, there is learning and Gambolò in love with her and she is also in it. It seems to me that Penny is very similar to my mother Gambolò tell a story. Once Gambolò and Darwin asked his mother to buy it buy clothes for karate and my mother bought them clothes they wore clothes and began to say things like that, even in the school we ninja! Hiiyaya! And all the school children began to laugh at them, their mother worried about them because she was afraid that they would like their father. She told them the story. When their father was small as they are, he wore a blue plisch and called himself a hero and all the kids laughing over how Gambolò and once Nicole said the children: Why do you laugh at him? He at least has the courage to show your character! And all were silent in the end my mother said that's why I do not want you wore those clothes. They promised her not to wear those clothes but they deceived mother because this morning Gambolò had to do the trick for karate theme but it failed, and my mother learned that she had been deceived but she had no time, he had already lost and crying but this mament Nicole Penny said He said: why do you laugh at him? At least he dared to show his character and what he wants to do. She said my mother as a child Gambolò. That is why I believe that the penny is like a Nikol.Konets story.