Не знаю сколько надо по длине, но попробую написать:
I feel really unwell. My head is aching, and my skin is shievering. Before i called you, I vomited two or three times and I still feel really dizzy. The pain in my stomach is unbearable, and I need a doctor.
Если надо подлиннее, то напишите.
первое задание:
1 картинка - Joe
2 картинка - Steve
3 картинка - Erica
4 картинка - Mark
5 картинка - Caroline
второе задание:
1. Mark's hair is the shortest.
2. Erica is taller than Mark.
3. Steve is shorter than Caroline.
4. Yes, she is. / Yes, Caroline is older than Joe.
5. No, he isn't. / No, Joe is not thinner than Mark.
Synonyms: delicious, mouth-watering, tasty, tempting
У него/её (не человека) есть It has got a tail. У неё (собаки, например) есть хвост.