With the technological boom, and how everyone is now glued to their personal gadgets, like smart phones and home computers, people tend to read books a lot less. Everyone is into social media and internet browsing, having less and less of time to explore and to dream, to imagine when reading tom interesting story from a book. We are no longer the society of dreamers but rather the society of consumers and quick learners, always being on the go and in the rush, not having enough time during the day for anything. So when it comes to books, this is how it is anymore, unless I am told to read something, I don't have time for one. But I do have favorite books, like:
L go to the cinema once a week
В моей комнате есть еблые стены.<span>На стене есть полки для моих книг, компакт-дисков и кассет. </span><span> У меня плакаты моих любимых звезд на</span>
стене, Бритни Спирс Кристиан Бэйл и Уэйн Руни. У меня есть стол для компьютера.
<span>работа с таблицами, ожидать работа кассира и работа в сфере обслуживания очень популярна. есть так же рабочие места, доступные в университете, такие как лаборант и ассистент учителя<span>.</span></span>
1 have never been
2 When did you receive a letter......?
3 will have finished
4 has bought
5 had learnt, went
6 ate,had brought
7 had had,went
8 were sitting on the sofa and listening,was telling
9 has just rung
10 was standing, began