1 He is installing an alarm system.
2 Burglars steal things from people's houses.
3 He advises Dan to tell his parents about the burglars and to be careful with his keys.
В школу мы ходим за знаниями, чтобы научится читать считать и писать. В школе у нас появляется много друзей и подруг каждый предмет в школе очень важен он помогает нам стать умнее. Учителя стараются дать нам как можно больше информации, ну а мы её усвоить. Я люблю математику и чтение. За время учёбы в школе мы стали не только взрослее и умнее, но и стали настоящими друзьями.
We go to school for knowledge, so that we can learn to read and write. At school we have many friends and girlfriends every subject in school is very important, it helps us to become smarter. Teachers try to give us as much information as possible, well, we learn it. I like math and reading. During my time at school, we became not only more mature and more intelligent, but also became true friends.
The chemichs wear laboratory coat while doing experiments. The philosophers think deeply to make discoveries. I would like to have a secret door in my closet to gossip with my friends. When somebody is mad or angry they ask me to leave them alone.
1. Susan is a bit heavier than Mary and Mary is slightly lighter than Susan.
2. I think women drive more carefully than men.
3. It was the most fascinating experience of her life.
4. The movie isn't good. It's worse than the book.
5. Of the people in the class, who is the most interesting?
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