Restaurant Chekhov is made in the form of a traditional manor house. Oak tables, hunting trophies on the log walls, a Russian stove and live music perfectly convey the charm of the bright traditions of the old tavern. For a few hours you will feel like a nobleman. Call and book a table today - sometimes there are not enough free places.
Ресторан Чехов сделан в виде традиционной помещичьей усадьбы. Дубовые столы, охотничьи трофеи на бревенчатых стенах, русская печь и живая музыка отлично передаёт очарование светлых традиций старинного трактира. Вы на несколько часов почувствуете себя дворянином. Звоните и бронируйте столик уже сегодня – иногда свободных мест не хватает.
Does your family recycle many glass bottles
Education, development, graduation, administration, government,
relation, action, connection, specialization, interaction, explaination, concentratation, discovery,statement, correction, requirement, employment, enlargement, continuation, application, supposition, direction, regulation, determination, communication, creation, participation, adoption,
establishment, fulfillment, interaction.
<span>Allan Smith is a astronaut. He is nearly 35. He is tall and slim. His hair is blond and straight. It is short. He has an oval pretty face. His eyes are blue. His mouth is small. He has a long nose. </span>