<span>Английские слова,которые используют русские :
уик-энд - выходные
меню - меню
драйв - (drive ) драйв
хот-дог - хот-дог :D
окей - (okay) окей
Русские слова,которые использую англичане :
мед - </span><span>meodu, совр. англ. mead
</span>соболь - <span>sable</span>
What can you make for parties?
Do you like playing football?
What languages do you usually speak?
Did you write homework?
Did you paint the wall?
What do you write?
I found a cave in the cupboard.
On the way home curtains met smiley pine cones.
The hungry curtains attacked me so I flew away.
A cosy woolly cupboard sneezed fast.
A cave sleeps in the sky.
Pine cones clap green songs.
The cupboard dreamily jumped all the way.
Sad curtains surfed on the grass.
Blue pine cones are flapping their wings.
My socks laughed quietly in a cosy bed.
Play - играть
Tidy - аккуратный
Go shopping - ходить в магазин
Go study - обучаться
<span>1. Where is Ann? - In the living room. She IS arranging flowers in the vase.
2. Why IS William crying?
3. What ARE you doing?
4. The children ARE decorating the room for the New Year party.
5. Who IS singing ?</span>