sixteen-16; twenty eight-28; nine hundred thirty one-931; four thousand five hundred fifty eight -4558; thirteen-13; one hundred nine-109; five million ninety four thousand three hundred-5094300; six thousand eight hundred one-6801; five million four hundred twenty one thousand three-5421003; one hundred eleven-111.
I have a room.My room is not big,but it's very cosy.In my room I have a bed where i sleep.In my room there is a tv-se and an armchair.In the middle of my room there is a carpet.The most cozy place in my room is a table,where i do my homework.On the teble I have a lamp,a pen-holder,and my photo.Also there are book shelves.I have a wardrobe where i keep my clothes.I have a lot of toys,and i like to play.There is a window.On windowsill are a lot of pots with flowers
1) Yes-no questions - вопросы, на которые можно ответить Да или Нет:
- Have you read this text?
- Yes, I have.
-Can he climb?
-No, he can't.
- Are you learning English now?
- Yes, I am.
2) Special question - с помощью специальных слов ( What, When, Where...):
- What does it mean?
- Where can we meet him?
- When do you usually wake up?
3) Subject question - вопросы о персонах, обычно начинаются с Who:
- Who has read this book?
- Who will go there?
- Who can do it?
В Британии популярен крикет. А в России хоккей.