Puppy Petey once told his mother that he wants a boy for Christmas. His mother promise to him that she will find a boy for Petey if he'll be a very good puppy. The day before Chritmas Petey told his mother that he was a well-behaved puppy. In truth, almost well-behaved. Then Petey's mother went outside to look a boy for him. But it appeared that there is no a free boy for Petey. Petey's mum advised him to ask others dogs if one od them can give him his boy.
1)born 2)boy 3)gave
4)difficult 5)ice flowers
Хай саша ай хэв э тэ'рибл ту'с(ф)э'йк! олрэ'ди ту дэйз, ноу, ай диднт тэлл хё бико'з ай донт уонт ту гоу ту з(в)э дэ'нтист айм вэ'ри эфрэ'йд а ю шу'э(р)? окей бай саша
ударения отмечены знаком '
<span>Вывод. В комедии "Мещанин во дворянстве" Мольер высмеял чванливого купца Журдена, который из кожи вон лезет, чтоб во всём походить на аристократа. Журден превращается во всеобщее посмешище, в источник лёгкого дохода для ловких пройдох, прикрывшихся дворянскими титулами. Мольер надеялся, что пороки буржуазии можно исцелить, обличая их.
1) I am listening to you now.
2) Little Roo doesn't like to eat.
3)Rita is watching TV at the moment.
4) Is she visiting her Granny now?
5) Do you play basketball?