Клэр: Ты был в летнем лагере?
Пол: Нет, не был. Я остался дома.
Клэр: Бедный Пол. Это не каникулы.
Пол: Но я действительно хорошо провел время.
Клэр: Чем ты занимался?
Пол: Я плавал в речке, играл в теннис и видился с друзьями. А как ты провела летние каникулы?
Клэр: В августе мы поехали в Брайтон. Было очень интересно. Я хорошо повеселилась.
Это не вопрос.
Переводится как :
Если бы ты работал на луне, то ты был бы репортером в газете.
I wake up at 6:30 and wash, then I eat breakfast and put on my school uniform. At 7:20 I leave the house and go to the bus stop. There I sit in the tram and go to school. When I arrive at school, I take things to the wardrobe and go up to the third floor. My school is located there. I come at 8:00 and I have 15 minutes to chat with classmates before the beginning of the lesson. Then after serving three lessons we go to the dining room, the change lasts 20 minutes. And after some time after 7 or 8 lessons, depending on the day of the week, I'm going home.Arriving home, I have dinner, rest for an hour and sit down to do my homework. I try to make it before 9 pm, but this happens rarely, because the amount of work is great. But I try to go to bed at 11, because tomorrow is a new day, which requires a lot of effort.
1) Actually, that sounds wonderful.
2) We are cooking right now.
3) I promise to be back soon.
4) This dog belongs to my sister.
5) He owns several large companies.
6) Right now it seems cold outside.
7) It is raining right now.
8) My little sister believes every word.
9) He wishes you good luck!
10) Ah! My leg hurts so much!