1. She goes to work by car. 2. He speaks English very well. 3. I like watching films. 4. She takes shower in themorning. 5. Ann lives in Rome with her family. 6. It here a lot rains in October. 7. They often go to the theatre. 8. I usually have lunch at 1.30.
Pandas can climb on treesbut they can not jump,run and speak.
Elephants can run but they can not fly in the sky .
Kangaroos can gump but they can not climbs on trees
Kimi Raikkonen - Finnish racing driver , world champion in Formula 1 series ,three vice world champion and double bronze medalist. Is the season 2007-2009 played for the team Ferrari. Since 2009 , actively participated in rally racing : Rally Finland debut in the World Rally Champion ship .
born October 17 .1979 in (Espoo ) Finland
height of 1 meter 75 cm
weight 62 kg
number Formula 1: 7
points in career 1131
participants Grand prix 226 .
В отделе кадров:- Ну, а есть ли у вас какое-нибудь хобби?Соискатель, доставая из кармана чучело хомяка:- Таксидермия!Хомяк, не разжимая челюсти:- И чревовещание!
The personnel department:- Well, do you have any hobbies?The applicant, pulling from his pocket a stuffed hamster:- Taxidermy!Hamster, clenched jaw:- And ventriloquism!
- У тебя есть хобби?- Да. Я - зеленый нумизмат!- ?!- Коллекционирую американские баксы.
- Do you have a hobby?- Yes. I - Green numismatist!-?!- I collect USA dollars.