North, Canada, Mexico, fifty, Colorado, California, Texas, Washington D.C., the Atlantic, New York, the Big Apple, Appalachian, Rocky, Mississippi, father, Colorado,plains, lakes,
Руки монстра красного цвета, а его руки <span>зеленые
</span>у него фиолетовый сталкивается с розовыми глазами и желтым <span>носом</span>
<span>1. Do you think the weather will change for the better? It is unlikely to .The weather is unlikely to change for the better, it's already the end of october and winter is approaching.
2. Do you think she knows him well enough to turn to him for help? She doesn't seem to. She doesn't seem to know him well enough to turn to him for help. They happen to be acquainted for a few days.
3. Do you think the management will employ more people to do the work? They are likely to. The management are likely to employ more people to do the work, because we've just signed up new agreements.
4. Do you think she is saving money for a vacation at the sea side? She is certain to. She is certain to be </span>saving money for a vacation at the sea side, because she hasn't been abroad for a long time already. <span>
5. Do you suppose she has seen the doctor already? She seems to. She seems to have seen the doctor already, because her mood is much better today.
6. Do you believe size 48 will fit him? It is likely to. Size 48 is likely to fit him, because he's lost a lot of weight lately.
7. Do you think he is hard to deal with? He appears to. He appears to be hard to deal with, because he has changed his work place three times this year.
8. Do you believe he will come to pick us up in his car? He is likely to. He is likely to come </span>to pick us up in his car, because he is free this evening anyway.
Пикни́к (фр. pique-nique) — в современном понимании трапеза на природе, устраиваемая на траве на открытом воздухе в местах с красивыми пейзажами — сад, парк, берег озера, пляж или лес — и, как правило, летом. Также устраивается во время общественных мероприятий, например, просмотров фильмов под открытым небом.
<span>Происхождение слова</span>
Происходит от французского глагола pique-niquer, зародившегося во французском просторечии XVII века, хотя практика еды на траве существовала всегда. Говорилось «устроить обед типа поклевать-чего» (faire un repas à pique-nique), то есть совместную еду в складчину, когда каждый приносит что-либо поесть. Глагол piquer, значащий «поклевать, мало есть», наводил на сравнение с птицами. Термин nique, или в иной орфографии nic, называл нечто малозначащее. Устроить пикник (faire un pique-nique) — обозначало приём пищи, менее привычный, чем обед за столом.
Французское слово «picnic» было позаимствовано англичанами, прежде чем вернуться во Францию в середине XVIII века.