Went, bet, best... вроде как то так должно быть
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What do you do this evening?
David always is late to lessons. It very irritates.
Ангелина lives in Great Britain.
Our bus sets forth at a 12 o'clock of day.
Every morning I accompany him to school.
He becomes more and more responsible day after a day.
I can not now talk with you, because I prepare a supper.
you so much anger me (to make someone angry), because you always lose documents.
I like to engage in football, this my hobby.
Very often we go for a city and conduct there output.
I sometimes walk to go for a drive on skis.
He plays tennis on Fridays.
Harry watches TV every evening.
They do not drive out to the sea every summer.
I do not write a letter now.
We live in a large house at a lake.
My a grandmother and grand-dad live in Kyiv.
That do you do here? Time to go home!
Often bright dreams dream me.
Аlex always is late on meeting.
1)My homework is easier than yours. - Моя домашняя работа легче твоей.
2)This ball is newer than Kara's ball. - этот мяч новее мяча Кары.
3)My bicep is larger than my dad's.- Мой бицепс больше отцовского.
4)I can't understand which notebook is longer, the green one or the blue one? - Не могу понять, какая тетрадь длиннее, зеленая или синяя?
5)Who is bigger, an elephant or a behemoth? - кто больше, слон или бегемот?
6)I don't think it to be more reasonable solution. - я думаю, что это более разумное решение.
7)I believe cake tastes better than pickles. -я думаю тор вкуснее чем огурцы.
8)These people are the happiest in the world. Эти люди самые счастливые во всем мире.
9)Last three hours is worst in my life. - последние три часа худшие в моей жизни.
10)My mother is older than my dad. - Моя мама старше, чем мой отей.