31bengal tigers lives in the india
black tigers have stripes
bees make honey
leopards ruv very fast
i go to the zoo every saturday
37 a
39 b
40 c
Краткий план
2.What boys do
3.Fantastic discovery
4.famous paintings
2)It s wind
3)It s hot
4)it s clouds
5)It s cold
6)It s sunny
Составьте предложения со словами: beautiful, handsome, rich, attractive, famous, successful, great, talented, smart, well-known,
Lyalka [188]
Today was a beautiful dawn.
This guy is very handsome.
All the celebrities are very rich.
Last but not least, she is attractive.
This was said by a famous<span> inventor, Thomas Alva Edison.
</span>Nevertheless, successful<span> experiences by small firms exist.
</span>Turns out my great<span> expectations, not so </span>great<span>.
</span>A remarkable learned, talented<span> teacher stood by professor in 26 years.
</span>Hopefully your father is as smart<span> as you.
</span>In the next years such well-known<span> scientists as Professor F.A.
</span>I told you it's funny<span>.
</span>Run, you clever<span> boy and remember.
</span>They reveal someone intelligent<span>, probably college-educated.</span>
1) decorated
5)gave gifts