1. Where does an old Tiger live?
2. What does the animals ask about?
3. What does he want to ask the Monkey about?
4. Where does the Tiger jump?
At 8:30 in the morning I get up, go to wash and brush my teeth. Then I go to eat. Sometimes I eat eggs and sometimes cereal with milk and fruit. After breakfast, I do a little workout. At 10 o'clock I finish all the lessons. Then I read my favorite literature. After all my affairs, I go for additional lessons. Then I'm going to school. I go to school 6 lessons and go home. At home I eat, if there is time I wish lessons and read. After all, I go to wash and go to bed.
Everybody knows how it is important to have friends. Who can help us in difficult situations, give us a piece of advice, take care of us? A good friend should be responsive, attentive and be ready to help at any time. Friendship is a richness, which is very difficult to get. It's not like money at all, you can destroy and lose everything at the moment. A good friendship is a result of many years work, you should understand its importance. That's whу оne is rich when he has friends.