Сочинение мой любимый вид спорта - плаванье. <span>
hello! I want to tell you some information about me. Last time , I am fond of sport and i want to tell you about my favourite kind of sport. I am fond of swiimming. I go in for swimming and i like it so much. i attend the swimming pool, i train in the swimming pool twice a week. I like my trains. i have many friends there and we like to spend time together and speak about how sport influents in our health and life. Also i have my favourite swimmer. His name is Michael Phelps. I want to be like him.
</span> Сочинение мой любимый вид спорта - велоспорт.
hello! I want to tell you some information about me. Last time , I am fond of sport and i want to tell you about my favourite kind of sport. I am fond of cycling. I go in for cycling and i like it so much. i attend the cycling Club, i train in the cycling Club twice a week. I like my trains. i have many friends there and we like to spend time together and speak about how sport influents in our health and life.
1. have, I will phone
2. is five, we will buy
3. will stay, it isn't stop
4. comes, he will ask her
5 . will get, if you read
Главное правило: в той части где есть союз (if, when и т.д.) - простое настоящее время, в другой части предложения - будущее. Но обе части переводятся будущим временем. Запомни для себя формулу "Союз пусто запятая will". Там где "пусто"- самой простое время (настоящее простое). От перестановки местами суть не изменится. "will запятая союз пусто "
Take pencilcase, bag, pencil, eraser,
Т:Хэй, Адам! Ай хэв фаунд а грит филм фо аз.
А:Эбаут тайм! Ви хэв Бин хиэ фо аус.Вич Ван?
Т:Миссиз Даутфаер виз Робин Уильямс.
А: Зэтс зэ фаннист мувиэ евер, бат ай соу ИТ ласт викенд! Сорри!
Т:Ох ноу! Эни азэр сагешнс, зен?
А:хммм, летс си. Хау Эбаут зэ Сикс сенс? ИТ из зэ крипист триллер оф ол тайм экардинг ту зэ критикс.
Т:Ай Донт лайк триллерс. Айд прэфэр самсинг виз мо экшион.
А: велл, Ду ю фэнси э фэнтэзи филм лайк зэ лорд оф за рингз? Зэй Сэй ИТС гот зэ мост стьюнинг экшион сенес эвэр.
Т:Окей, зэт саундс гуд!
<span>1. You arranged to play tennis. Now you decide
that you don’t want to play. .<u> I don't think I will play.</u></span>
<span>2. A friend of yours offers you a lift in his car
but you decide to walk. <u>Thank you but .I think I will walk.</u></span>
<span>3. A friend of yours promises to lend you the
money. You decide to pay him back on Friday.<u> I think I will pay you back on Friday.</u></span>