В среду после обеда 30 октября rangoon прошел через пролив малака который разделяет остров суматра от малазии. прекрасные небольшие острова с их горной местностью скрывали обзор суматры от пасажиров. в 4 часа на следующие утро рангун прибыл на пол дня раньше чем обычно. остановился в сингапуре взять побольше угля. мистр фог зделал запись в свой блокнот и пошел зделать небольшую прогулку.фикс который портил все дела фога последовал незаметно за ним. паспорту который был доволен видеть что он делает это пошел купить кое какие фрукты. двумя часами позже после наслаждения от прогулки между деревьями и холмами мистр фог вернулся в город и в 10 часов был на борту лодки c детективом которы неупускал его из виду. в 11 часов рангун покинул сингапур
2) I think that children will have lessons on the Internet.
I don't think that children will have lessons on the Internet.
3) I think that robots will do everything for us.
I don't think that robots will do everyting for us.
4) I hope that there will be life on other planets.
I hope that there won't be life on other planets.
5) I think that we will travel to other planets.
I don't think that we will travel to other planets.
6) I think that there will be another world war.
I don't think that there will be another world war.
7) I hope that aliens will visit our planet.
I hope that aliens won't visit our planet.
8) I hope that I will meet the girl/boy of my dreams.
I hope that I won't meet the girl/boy of my dreams.
Peer pressure is a real problem that teenagers face today. It affects children and puts the pressure on them.
There are different kinds of pressure. Teenagers are taught to smoking, drinking beer and other alcohol drinks, having sex even if they are not ready and to wear too extravagant clothes.
Sometimes elder children may put the pressure on you to take part in something you do not wish to do. Unfotunately, many teens are afraid to say NO as they do not want to lose the respect of their classmates. But really this is the false impression about respect. There are different ways to avoid the pressure on you.
-You should find someone to share your problems with and talk to him/her.
- Change one's mind and try to assure that you have a different opinion about something.
-Your own strengh can help you to stay firm.
-Be confidient in doing something that you know better.
-Pay attention to your personal feelings what is GOOD and what is BAD.
-Find new hobby ( or pay more attention to your old one), do sports.
If you still find it difficult to handle yourself, just again talk to someone you trust.
Правильные ответы:
9) A
11) E
11) B
12) E