1) When was Mikhael Lomonosov born?
2) Where did he travel on foot when he was 19?
3) What Mikhael Lomonosov make?
4) Who wrote the first scientific grammar of the Russian language?
5) When did Mikhael Lomonosov die?
6) Did Lomonosov build a shop or a factory near Petersburg?
7) What was produced at the factory?
8) Who is the founder of the first Russian University?
9) Did Lomonosov like to spend his time fishing with his father or brother?
10) Why did Lomonosov travel on foot to Moscow?
1. Colourful
2. Curly
3. Dyed
Остальные не знаю...
Hi, my name is Vakil (?). I am 19 years old. I study at the ____. I'm fond of different sports, (перечислишь). One of my favorite hobbies is driving around (название города) at night. My family is quite large, it consists of 5 people : my parents, a sister and a brother of mine. When it comes to my free time, I enjoy spending it with my friends and girlfriend. The winter is my favorite season because it is always very beautiful and my birthday is also in winter. The films that I enjoy are mostly comedies. I'm glad that I entered _____
To support - поддерживать
to betray - предавать
to envy - завидовать
to feel jealous - чувствовать себя ревнивым
to ignore - игнорировать
to deserve - заслуживать
to quarrel - ссориться
to appreciate something - ценить что-то
to avoid - избегать
1. I was introduced to her father yesterday. 2 . When I get home , all my bags are already packed . 3 . Tutorial on what you refer to in your report ? 4 . Is this essay was written before the report as you did ? 5 . She listened attentively , and all she said was soon forgotten . 6. He has not offered a job . 8. Sent for the medicine ? - Yes, looking for him . 7. His sister brought . 10 . Do not worry, it will help in the work . 8. This bridge is still under construction . It was built when I saw him for the first time . 9. When I started to help them , they translated the article for two hours , but it has not been translated . 10 . Do not speak until you spoke. 11. Works of Agatha Chris ¬ ti have been translated into more than 100 languages.