1. This work was done yesterday.
2.John asked at the lesson today
3.A lot of new houses will be built next year
4.We gave very interesting book
5.This story will be translated next month
6.I had been invited to the concert today
7.These trees had been planted last autumn.
8.Nickhas send to the Moscow next week.
Прочитайте и выпишете в тетрадь слова,в которых есть звук u,z,e,r Rich ,print, rat ,rap,buzz ,croos, crisp ,carrot,crack, red ,r
Елена Вишнякова
<span>Прочитайте и выпишете в тетрадь слова, в которых есть звук u,z,e,r Rich, print, rat, rap, buzz, croos, crisp, carrot, crack, red, rent, rest, rug, rib, room,
room, angry, rool, drop, Fred,
Rex, zest, risk, lazy ,
correct, rabbit,
run, sorry, dress,
van, zoo.</span>
Во всех этих словах есть хотя-бы один из этих звуков.
Cooking, playing, singing, dancing, swimming, telling, listening, taking