1) I have jast had breakfast
2) He has already had breakfast
3) We haven't had breakfast yet
4) They are still drinking tea in the dinning room
5) I have already done my homework
6) He is still doing his homework
7) We have had three lessons today
8) They have just had a meeting
9) She hasn't read this book yet
10) She is still reading
11) Who has written it?
12) What have you written to him
L. Where did you live before you came To St. Peter Burg?I lived in Moscow.When You're finished loadingto ? We finished loading To two hourslast night.
Third mate mapped the placethe position of the ship after determining his latitudeand longitude.The captain changed the ship's course afterI received a radiogram from the steamship line Where you wereI phoned youI was onthe classroom At the college before Your call
Россию безусловно нужно посетить, потому что это одна из самых важных и влиятельных стран в мире. Кроме того, Москва замечательный город. Я был впечатлен городом и достопремичательностями. И более того, где вы найдёте такие красивые пейзажи? (Хитоми, Япония).
Гэт гот гот
Гив гейв гивен
Гоу вэнт ган
Хэв хэд хэд
Хиэ хэд хэд