1 A (...<u>43% </u>of all companies use social networking sites to investigate job candidates.)
2A (<u>In 51% of these cases</u>, the company has found information that has made them <u>decide not to give the person the job</u>.)
3B (The candidate posted inappropriate photos or information (46%))
1. My coat
2. Take an umbrella with her
3. I don't need sweater and coat
Летом Саймон любит навещать свою бабушку.Она имеет большой и чистый дом.Старый но красивый.Две спальни,зал,клодовая,большая кухня и хол в доме.Каждый день Саймон помогает своей бабушке чистит комнаты и поливает цветы.Когда жарко и солнечно,Саймон любит плавать и нырять в реке.Он любит ездить на лошаде,запускать змея и ходить на пикник вместе с бабушкой.Когда дождливо,он рисует картины в своей комнате,смотреть теливизор читать книги в зале.Иногда он играет в прятки со своей бабушкой в доме.Это очень интересно!Сегодня плохой день.Дождливо и облачно.Холодно,Саймон не может пойти погулять.Бабушка занятая.Она ходит за пакупками утром.Саймон один снова.Он грустный.Саймон не хочет читать и рисовать.Он не хочет играть вместе с кем-нибудь.Но вдруг,Мяу! Мяу!Мяу!Ох кто это?
1) The passengers were having a good time when the ship suddenly hit an iceberg, weren't they?<span>
2) Were the passengers having a good time when the ship suddenly hit an iceberg?</span><span>
3) Who was having a good time when the ship suddenly hit an iceberg?</span>
4) Were the passengers or the students having a good time when the ship suddenly hit an iceberg?
5) Were the passengers having a good or a bad time when the ship suddenly hit an iceberg?
6) Were the passengers having a good time when the ship or the boat suddenly hit an iceberg?
7) Were the passengers having a good time when the ship suddenly hit or touch an iceberg?
8) Were the passengers having a good time when the ship suddenly hit an iceberg or a rif?
9) When were the passengers having a good time?
10) Where were the passengers having a good time when the ship suddenly hit an iceberg?
11) What were the passengers having when the ship suddenly hit an iceberg?
12) When did the ship suddenly hit an iceberg?
13) Where did the ship suddenly hit an iceberg?
14) Why did the ship suddenly hit an iceberg?
15) What did an iceberg suddenly hit?