1Is this full-length cartoon entertaining adults or children? 2Was Elizabeth 1 history's most fascinating woman? 3Who Elizabeth 1 confronted with? 4The artist managed to create an image familiar to anyone who has seen a Russian forest,didn'the? 5When does the Pageant begin?
Виктория-тобеж Вика
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Russian is one of the most popular languages in the world, but is is also one of the hardest ones. It takes a long time to learn Russian for foreign people. Some even give up and stop! For me it's easy because I speak it since I was born. Probably every language is hard... The problem is that in Russian there are lot's of completely different words, the spelling is difficult and the accent is weird, not like others. If not this, it'd be simple as English of Spanish!
Tom was coming back from school, when he was in the bus his hat fell under the seat and when Grann left the bus she accidentlly took his hat with her cane. when kids wakled on street and saw Tom's hat they made a snowman with hat. and Tom gone into the school with out hat