1 предл,3,4,5,7,9,10,13,14,15,16,17,18,19 и дальше до конца
Все это неправильные глаголы,а точнее их 3 формы.Проще всего перевод найти в таблице неправильных глаголов.
<span>feed- fed -fed - <span>кормить
</span></span><span>get - got - got - <span>получать, добираться
</span></span><span>grow- grew- grow - n<span>расти, вырастать
</span></span><span>hear-heard- heard - <span>слышать, услышать
</span></span><span>know-knew-known- <span>знать, иметь представление
1. You wouldn't have been so tired if you had gone to bed earlier.
2. Sheila would have gotten a better job if she had spoken French and German.
3. My plants wouldn't have died if I had watered them more often.
4. He wouldn’t have caught a bad cold if he had worn a thick coat at night.
5. My friend wouldn’t have met her boyfriend if she hadn’t gone to the disco.
6. Alice wouldn’t have had bad dreams if she hadn’t seen horror films.
7. If Levi Strauss hadn’t invented blue jeans, it wouldn’t have become so popular.
8. Your friend Henry would have helped you if you had asked him.
9. They wouldn’t have gotten lost if they had taken a good map with them.
1)You was busy 2)This text was difficult 3)His father was with him 4) Could he see it?
The koala lives in Australia and it is one of the symbols of Australia.People sometimes call it an Australian bear.It is grey or brown.It has got big funny ears.It has got big black nose.The koala is very lazy. It sleeps a lot.It sleeps about twenty hours over day and night.It eats mostly at night.Koala likes healthy food.He eats green leaves from trees.He gets water from the leaves. <em>Хватит?</em>