I watch he watches I say he says I wish he wishes
Посмотри на телепрограмму. Где ты можешь её увидеть? Какие передачи ты можешь посмотреть? Какие аналогичные программы имеются в твоей стране?
<span>3 Do The giraffes usually eat from trees.? -
4 are The whales swimming in the sea?. -
5 Is The dolphin having a good time?. -
6 Does The monkey often laughs at the children.? -
7 Do The seals have lunch at 1 o`clock.? -
8 Is The hippo having a bath now?. -</span>
Hello! Let me introduce myself to you. I’m Alexander, Alex for short. I live in Moscow. I’m a student of the 9th grade. We are a family of four: my mother, my father, my elder brother and me. We live in a block of flats on the 11th floor. There are three rooms in our flat and we have all modern conveniences. I share a room with my elder brother. My brother is a student of Moscow University. We are close friends. I discuss everything with him and we don’t have any secrets from each other. We get on very well. Sometimes I even borrow his clothes and he never gets annoyed. We don’t feel competitive, <span>