2. past - present
3. thick - thin
4. south - north
5. low - high
6. goodbye - hello
7. close - open
8. always - never
9. forget - remember
10. fall Ill - get well
11. left - right
12. short - tall
13. hate - love
14. friend - enemy
15. no - yes
16. happy- unhappy
17. -
18. safe - dangerous
19 often - rarely
20.maxi - mini
21. out - inside
22. old - new
23. man - women
24. far - close
25. poor - rich
26. wife - husband
27. wet - dry
28. old - young
29. host - guest
30. that - then
31. weak - strong
32. bad - good
33. alive - in the dead(?)
34. easy - hard
35. now - then
36. day - week
37. lie - truth
38. cold - hot
39. bottom - up
40. fail - pass
41. buy - sell
42 illegal - legal
43 -
44 advantage- disadvantage
45 -
46 boy - girl
47 -
48 west - east
49 give - get
50 full - incomplete (?)
где я не знаю ставлю -
где не уверена (?)
The rat is on the lamp. Five rats are under the table.
Four rats are in the bag. Three rats are in the box.
Two rats are get into the room.
Without parents life is very hard.In a difficult moment who will not listen,not calm.Not who is good at feeding.And who can help better than mom and dad?Перивод:
Без родителей жить очень тяжело.В тяжелый момент не кто не выслушает,не успокоит.Не кто вкусно не на кормит.И кто может помочь лучше чем мама и папа?
2)No, Alice can't fly.
3) No, Billy can't skate.
4) No, Peter hasn't got a cat.
5) No, Steve isn't strong and big