Buy bought bought
play - played - playing
perform - performed - performing
write - wrote - written
sit - set - sitten
I see a crocodile. It is big and strong.
I see a fox. It is nice and slim.
I see a pig. It is funny and merry.
I see a dog. It is sad and long.
I see a rabbit. It is slim and nice.
Drink/ drank/ drunk
write/ wrote/written
fall/ fell/ fallen
buy/ bough/ bough
sleep/ slept/ slept
know/ knew/ known
say/ said/ said
eat/ ate/ eaten
go/ went/ gone
take/ took/ taken
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й йцукеггщщхххжшнеауцываполж
Happy : you got a perfect mark ( (получила хорошую оценку )
Scared ; a dog barks at you ( лает)
BORED : you are reading a boring book
Angry someone told you bad words
Tired : you don't have time fir relax