Зе юнайтид киндом консиситс оф фор каунтрис:инглэнд,уэльс,скотлэнд энд норсен айлэнд.Зе кэпиталс оф зиис партс ар ландон,кардиф,эдинбург энд белфаст.Зе офишеал нэйм оф зе каунтри из зе юнайтид киндом оф грэйт британ энд норзен айлэнд.Итс ту лонг,изнт ит?Со южали пипл кол ит зе ЮК ор зе юнайтид киндом.Зе нэйм "юнайтид киндом" воз фёрст юзд ин 1707(сэвэнтин оу сэвэн)
She said that that as the best film she had ever seen
he aske me where had i gone the year before
she advised her daughter to take her books with her
her boss said that she would be paid twice a month
<span>Sally asked Tom what had he bought for him
my mom warned not to answer the door
the little boy said to this mother that he had not broken the vase
kate said that she had had an </span><span>argument with Melany the day before
jane said that her boss was discussing </span><span>the cost of this product with clients</span>
на русском:
Приятной наружности женщина на экране спокойна и безэмоциональна, можно провести сходство со сказочным персонажем Снежной королевой. Работа в передаче теленовостей создает определенные рамки, в жизни она интересная и жизнерадостная женщина.
Красивая, вечно молодая, стильная, необыкновенно приятная – эти комплименты относятся к известной всем телеведущей передачи «Вести» на первом канале Андреевой Екатерине
На английском:
A pleasant-looking woman on the screen is calm and emotionless, you can draw a resemblance to the fairy-tale character the Snow Queen. Work in the transmission of television news creates a certain framework, in life she is an interesting and cheerful woman.
Beautiful, eternally young, stylish, extremely pleasant-these compliments refer to the well-known TV presenter of the program "Vesti" on the first channel Andreeva Ekaterina
1) he doesn't study at university
2) her brother doesn't work at the same factory. We woks at the other factory.
3)she doesn't read this books
4) they don't speak Russian
5) I don't send him any letters
6)we don't put the books at the bookcase
7)I don't see him every Monday