Some people especially young people consider that cinema must be a place where you can spend time after working day
Ответ/Варинат А) потомучто если перевести посмотри идет дождь нельзя сказать по другому сотри дождь шел например..
My name is Dasha. I am 10 years old. I really liked my summer holidays. The weather was good. My parents and I went to Egypt. We had a great time there. When we came back, we visited my grandparents. I was doing my homework, went for a walk, met with my friends and went to the seaside.
Now I really miss my teachers and classmates.
<span>1) A complete test set is that of tests that test every point that can be tested. ( that)
2) These times should be compared with those in Table 3. (those)
3) The rate is identical with that of the uninhibited reaction. (that)
4) One should use a new method, not the old one. (one)
5) To be sure, the complier does not check all the things that FORTRAN
does but it does produce a very good program and it does flag certain
errors which it can detect. (does)
6) Some writers include zero among the natural numbers, while others do not. (do)
7) The problem is one of allocating frequencies to a desired number of channels. (one)
8) If you are a subscriber to the "Daily World" you may not be receiving every issue - many of our readers aren't. ( aren't.)
9) The conditions may sometimes be rigorous and at other times less so. (so)
10) Virsan's approach to the problem had much in common with ours. (ours)</span>
Такое сочетаник нескольких слов называется идиома. Идиома: small talk
Перевод: легкий разговор о мелочах; разговор о пустяках; светская болтовня, беседа