How is he?
Where is it?
Is he English?
Where is he from?
Where is his home?
Who is he?
Is it very dangerous?
- Get out of here!
- Why and for what reasons?
- There are dangerous chemicals going to explode due to the fire in our chemical lab!
- Damn it!
- Go-go-go! Faster, faster!
- On my way!
<span>Пожалуйста положи мою кашу в красивую маленькую тарелочку.
Я мне нравится она на завтрак. И я люблю ее она хорошая и горячая.
Каша с овсом, каша с овсом вкуснее чем может быть.
Каша с овсом, каша с овсом, Единственная еда для меня.</span>
1) where did he go
2) she did not watch
3) we played
4) mum made
5) she tided
6) we saw
7 Bill bought
8 Children ate
I like holidays! Ah, I'll go swimming in the summer, eat ice cream, go out with friends. There will be a wonderful summer! I'll go to my grandmother's village. I'll have a rest and sunbathe in the sun. Hurry vacation!