Это было во времена немого кино, когда Оса и ее муж Мартин Джонсон прославились своими приключенческими документальными фильмами
Once more time I with my comand were invited for the competition.We were gathered and going.We were going on the train.In the competition were invited 50 comands.In the first day we were playing for games,and we were passed on the 1/8.Then we were playing two games but in the one we were loosed and we were forced to play butt games.We wins butt games and reached the semi-finals.
Then we were win two games and go to the final.In the final we loosed 1 period but wins two and we wins the competition.The competition was great!!!!
1. Занимаетесь ли вы спортом? 2. Каким видом спорта вы занимаетесь? 3. Почему спорт так популярен в мире?