Cold frost and sunshine: day of wonder!
But you, my friend, are still in slumber —
Wake up, my beauty, time belies:
You dormant eyes, I beg you, broaden
Toward the northerly Aurora,
As though a northern star arise!
Мороз и солнце; день чудесный!
Еще ты дремлешь, друг прелестный —
Пора, красавица, проснись:
Открой сомкнуты негой взоры
Навстречу северной Авроры,
Звездою севера явись!
<span>1. His subject is very interesting. I always attend lectures and seminars of his.
2. All students take exams in winter. They prepare to pass them success-fully for a long time.
3. He knows English better than you. But you know Maths very well.</span>
2)not sure
3)not sure
Для меня эти ответыкаждого мнения другой же)))
<span><span>My</span><span>favorite channel</span><span>is</span><span>in</span><span>the animal world.
1)</span></span><span><span>It</span><span>refers to the</span><span>animal</span><span>'s place</span><span>in their lives.
2)</span></span><span><span>It</span><span>is very interesting</span><span>and</span><span>instructive.
3)</span></span><span><span>I</span><span>watch it</span><span>very often.
4)</span></span><span><span>See</span><span>I did</span><span>yesterday</span><span>pm</span><span>bedtime.</span></span>
1) went
2) go
3) saw
4) see
5) learn
6) learnt
7) come
8) came.