<span>Today I get good mark four.
Now ball get in the bascet and fall down.
Train get to the railway station at 6 o'clock.
I get up early in thr morning.
I get back from scool very early.
She gets along her friends.
He gets across
the street.</span>
I like going to school, and I don't understand why some pupils don't like it.. <span>In school, i can discover something new every day. My favorite subjects are math (history) and english. We have great teachers. Each of them teaches well and their lessons are quite interesting. All classrooms of our school are light and spacious.There are physics and chemistry classrooms where we can make experiments. There are new computers in the computer sciences room. I and all my classmates often go to the cinema,library, theatre, museums and exhibitions. I like my school! </span>
В Великобритании насчитывается около 30 тысяч видов животных. Среди них лисы, зайцы, красные белки, выдры, чёрные крысы, норка, рептилии и земноводные. Из 200 видов птиц наиболее распространены воробьи, зяблики, скворцы, вороны, зимородки, малиновки, синицы. В лесу можно встретить таких обитателей как: олень, лиса, кролик, заяц, барсук. Птицы тоже обитают в лесах, например: куропатка, голубь, ворона. В реках Британии водятся в основном лосось и форель. Вот такое большое разнообразие животных можно встретить в Великобритании.
In the UK, there are about 30,000 species of animals. Among them, foxes, hares, red squirrels, otters, black rats, mink, reptiles and amphibians. Of the 200 species of birds most common sparrows, finches, starlings, crows, kingfishers, robins, chickadees. In the forest you can meet the inhabitants of such as deer, fox, rabbit, hare, badgers. Birds also live in forests, such as partridge, pigeon, crow. In the rivers of Britain are found mainly salmon and trout. Here is a great variety of animals can be found in the UK.
1. haven't seen
2. have you been doing
3. have been helping
4. are you working
5. have had
6. have been wanting
7. have you been doing
8. have been getting ready
9. have had
10. has played
Mary is playing computer games?
No, she isnt.She doing her homework
The dog playing in the garden?
No,he sleeping by the fire.
You eating breakfast?
No, i'm getting dressed.
Sue and Dave doing the shopping?
No, they watching TV.