1. singer. 2.. expert. 3. music. 4. places. 5. around
1. Pick flowers [i].
2. Make a noise [d].
3. Catch a rash [f].
4. Put out a fire [a].
5. Drop litter [c].
6. Have a bed [h].
7. Make a cold [b].
8. Keep of the grass [g].
9. Take an aspirin [e].
Сначала запуталась немного, но всё-таки сделала. Держите.
Русский: [Настя]Что ты собираешься делать в эти выходные?[Влад]Я с родителями поеду на море, как на счет тебя?[Настя]Я пойду в лес за грибами, впрочем как и каждую субботу. Английский: [Nastia] What are you going to do this weekend? [Vlad] I'll go with the parents to the sea, how about you? [Nastya] I'll go to the woods for mushrooms, however, as every Saturday.
4.on, at
5.to, with
1.Where is the forest?
2.When did my brother work in the garden?
3.Who will go to the river?
4.When does it rain?
5.What grows in the fields and gardens?
6.When did he return home?
Corn, for, corner, form, door, sort, nor, short