Znayka-korotyshka если перевести на английский то получится вот так )
Я незнаю блин блин блин мне не кто не помогает
to blush
to break the ice
make sure
to enjoy something
to resent
to show up
to feel disappointed
to accuse somebody
to shrug
finish with a dispute
to benefit
to introduce
to greet someone
to be famous for something
I wached TV last night. Я смотрел телевизор прошлой ночью.
I wake up at 7 o'clock. Я проснулся в 7 .
I did my homework yeasterday. Я сделал домашнюю работу вчера.
I went to the cinema last month. Я ходил в кино в прошлом месяце.
I went to cafe last week. Я ходил в кафе на прошлой неделе.
I played computer game 1 hour ago. Я играл в компьютерные игры час назад.
I saw my best friend yeasterday. Я видел своего лучшего друга вчера.
I read new book yeasterday. Я читал книгу вчера.
I went to school 7 hours ago. Я ходил в школу 7 часов назад.
I spoke with my russian teacher yeasterday. Я разговаривал с учителем русского языка вчера.
1. In a barter economy we need to exchange every item we want for something that we can provide.
2. The story of the mechanic and the farmer demonstrates that not in every barter case people can provide to you what you need because they either do not have it or you do not need what they have.
3. The first advantage of money a system that uses money and not bartering is that you don't have to find "the right person". You just need to go to the market to sell good or services or buy what you need from others.
4. People used cocoa beans or salt as money in the past because such approach was giving a basic value for these items to people and they very happy to make a trade using them.
5. Strawberries were not suitable to be used as money due to they could not last long and they had a very short life period.
6. Precious metals were used as money because: they were hard to obtain, there was a finite supply of them in the world, it was easy to divide them into standard coins and over time they would not lose their value.
7. The disadvantage of silver and gold coins was that these metal coins were heavy and it was not comfortable for people to carry these precious metals with them all the time.
8. The first "paper money" looks like cash money - paper bank notes of a flat shape.
9. "Flat money" is the same cash money like we use today which is made of paper bank notes.
10. Governments cannot print as much money as they like because it will lead to higher prices and loss of the money value.