<u>He knows nothing
about the arson.</u>
He doesn’t know
anything about the arson.
Does he
know anything about the arson?
Ron - Hi Nate!
Nate - Hi Ron!
Ron - I recently read one book about survival courses.
Nate - And what did you find out?
Ron - Well, listen, in order to survive in the wild, you first need good equipment. Namely, comfortable, warm, waterproof clothing, a roomy backpack, a multitool, a sharp knife, a strong rope, a hatchet, matches, a minimum amount of medicines, flyers and this is just a small one you need.
Nate - Wow how many things are there. Lend me this book?
Ron - Of course, take it.
Всё что смог набросать.
Перевод шестого задания
у меня есть 20 книг, 30 тетрадей, 40 карандашей.
Айв гот твенти букс, фёти нотбукс, фоти пенсилс
у меня есть 23 книги, 31 тетрадь, 55 карандашей.
Айв гот тветнти фри букс, фёти ван нотбукс, фёфти файв пенсилс
Задание номер семь
Twenty two apples, thirty seven oranges,
Forty four banana , Fifty six of cucumbers , Thirty eight of tomatoes.
Задание номер восемь
Dasha has got six apples, seven nuts.
Lera's has got same butter, same bread