1769 - родился на острове Корсика.1789 - поддержка французской революции.<span>1792 - становится капитан артиллерии после окончания ведущей военной школе в Париже. 1795 - давит роялиста восстание в Париже и вскоре становится главой французской армии, выигрывает победы в Италии, Бельгии и Австрии.</span><span>1804 - крон себя императором Франции. 1805 - не может победить Великобританию в море, теряет важное морское сражение у мыса Трафальгар (самый юго-западный точки Spaim).</span>1812 - ведет большую армию в Россию.<span>1815 - встречает своего окончательного поражения в битве при Ватерлоо избили британских и Prussians.1812-умирает заключенный на пустынном Атлантическом острове Святой Елены.</span>
The title of this story is "The Last Inch ". The author of this story is James Aldridge. The main character of the story is Ben , a pilot of forty -three .He gets luckily a new job. The Commercial Television Stock Company offers him a job . They pay a thousand dollars for every five hundred feet of shark film. So Ben takes his son with him and flies to a little desert island in the Red Sea where the water along the coast is always filled with good -sized sharks .Ben's son is ten years old and he is a quiet shy boy .Unfortunately a huge tiger shark attacks Ben while filming sharks . His body is bleeding mess after shark's attack. He losts his consciousness. Ben isn't able to fly the plane back so his son has to do it .Only once had Ben shown the boy how to fly a plane and explained that it was the last inch above the ground that mattered if the plane was going to crash while landing or not
1 -believe
5- finished
6- was
8-looked up
10-came down
14-run away
19- belived( а вот это я точно не знаю, тут зависит от того, что вообще никогда не верят ему или только тогда не поверили, спросите у учителя)
1. Better is a friend that is near, than a relative far off.
2. A university is larger than a college.
3. In the USA the most common college degree among the others is a bachelor of arts.
<span>4. Central Park, in the centre of Manhattan, is one of the most popular parks in New York.
1. Marilyn is in great shape due to her regular aerobics classes.
2. The dog was well trained and didn’t hurt anyone.
3. Better to be alone than in bad company.
4. Kind words like good deeds are eternal, you never know where their influence will end.
Задание № 4. Вставьте there’s или it’s. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Don’t be upset about being late. There is another advanced computer class today at four o’clock.
2. It's not easy to cook dinner for the entire family.
3. It's nice weather. I decided to forget my problems and just enjoy this beautiful spring day.
<span>4. In many apartment and office buildings in the U. S. there is no 13th floor. The 14th floor follows the 12th.</span>